This Week in Books

This Week in Books – 06-01-21

This Week in Books is a feature hosted by Lipsy at Lipsyy Lost and Found that allows bloggers to share:

  • What they’ve recently finished reading
  • What they are currently reading
  • What they are planning to read next

A similar meme is run by Taking on a World of Words.

The last book I finished reading was Starling Day by Rowan Hisayo Buchanan.

Mina is staring over the edge of the George Washington Bridge when a patrol car drives up. She tries to convince the officers she’s not about to jump but they don’t believe her. Her husband, Oscar is called to pick her up.

Oscar hopes that leaving New York for a few months will give Mina the space to heal. They travel to London, to an apartment wall-papered with indigo-eyed birds, to Oscars oldest friends, to a canal and blooming flower market. Mina, a classicist, searches for solutions to her failing mental health using mythological women. But she finds a beam of light in a living woman. Friendship and attraction blossom until Oscar and Mina’s complicated love is tested.

My current read is Before She Disappeared by Lisa Gardner. I’ll be sharing my review as part of the blog tour later this month.

Frankie Elkin is an average middle-aged woman with more regrets than belongings who spends her life doing what no one else will: searching for missing people the world has stopped looking for. When the police have given up, when the public no longer remembers, when the media has never paid attention, Frankie starts looking.

A new case brings Frankie to Mattapan, a Boston neighborhood with a rough reputation. She is searching for Angelique Badeau, a Haitian teenager who vanished from her high school months earlier.

Resistance from the Boston PD and the victim’s wary family tells Frankie she’s on her own. And she soon learns she’s asking questions someone doesn’t want answered.

But Frankie will stop at nothing to discover the truth, even if it means the next person to go missing will be her…

I’ve not been very good at sticking to my intended reads in the past, but I’m going to try harder this year. So, I’ll say with confidence that my next read will be Sword of Destiny by Andrzej Sapkowski and translated by David French.

Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher, a man whose magic powers and lifelong training have made him a brilliant fighter and a merciless assassin. Yet he is no ordinary killer: he hunts the vile fiends that ravage the land and attack the innocent. But not everything monstrous-looking is evil; not everything fair is good… and in every fairy tale there is a grain of truth.

And that’s my week in books! What are you reading this week? Let me know in the comments! 😎


  1. I am starting before she disappeared too! And i need to start the witcher series, i am not doing very good with keeping to my schedule! lol x

    1. Hope you’re enjoying it! I think it’s good so far, although I’m not far in yet x

    1. The first one was really good – a little difficult to begin with, but once I’d got started I really enjoyed it. I’ll let you know how this second one goes!

    1. I read the first one a little while ago and really enjoyed it. The structure was a little strange at first, but I soon got used to it. And Geralt is a really interesting character.

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