Reading Challenge

Beat the Backlist Challenge Update


November proved to be an odd month for me, in that I was so busy with work and adulting that I had less time than usual for blogging and blog-hopping.  I’m hoping that December will see things return to normal, but I’m sorry that I haven’t been around to share everyone’s blog posts as much, and thank you so much to everyone who continued to visit my own blog and share my reviews and other posts.

As we’re now into December, I’ve accepted that I’m not going to reach my target of reading the 47 books from my backlist (books I purchased before 2017) as part of Novel Knight’s BTB Challenge.  I did manage to read 33 of them, however, which I don’t think is too bad, and there is still December to go…

TBR Watch

You remember that lovely decreasing trend on my chart from June onwards?  I was making great progress in reducing my TBR, and then I went to Hay-on-Wye for a weekend and bought ALL the books! 😀

TBR 1 Dec 17


        1. Oi! Go and argue on your own blogs! 😋 Happy to share the chart template if it would help, but it’s just a stacked bar chart from excel…

  1. 33 books is fabulous even if you didn’t make the goal you set out at the beginning. I was only going to do 10 and didn’t even get that! 😄

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