This Week in Books

This Week in Books – 19-06-24

This Week in Books is a feature hosted by Lipsy at Lipsyy Lost and Found that allows bloggers to share:

  • What they’ve recently finished reading
  • What they are currently reading
  • What they are planning to read next

A similar meme is run by Taking on a World of Words.

I’ve had a little more time for reading this week, and finished both Close to Death which I reviewed on Monday, and The Stranding which I will review *soon*. (I’m going away for a week, so it’ll be a little quiet on the blog for the next week or so, but I’ll be back at the end of the month!)

Richmond Upon Thames is one of the most desirable areas to live in London. And Riverview Close – a quiet, gated community – seems to offer its inhabitants the perfect life.

At least it does until Giles Kenworthy moves in with his wife and noisy children, his four gas-guzzling cars, his loud parties and his plans for a new swimming pool in his garden.

His neighbours all have a reason to hate him and are soon up in arms.

When Kenworthy is shot dead with a crossbow bolt through his neck, all of them come under suspicion and his murder opens the door to lies, deception and further death.

The police are baffled. Reluctantly, they call in former Detective Daniel Hawthorne. But even he is faced with a seemingly impossible puzzle.

How do you solve a murder when everyone has the same motive?


Ruth is ignoring the news. Like most people, she has relationship problems, job stress, friends and family who need her. Ruth has a life.

But the news is about to catch up with Ruth, and her problems are going to be swept away… along with the rest of the world.

Only when the comforts and complications of her old existence are gone, does Ruth finally realise how she might be able to live to the fullest.

I’ve just started reading West Heart Kill by Dann McDorman which I couldn’t resist when offered the opportunity to review it ahead of the paperback publication in July.

Yes, you, reading this.
Get in the car.

Sit in the back – you’re joining the detective and the other guy who’s driving. They’re both in the front. Don’t think about the other guy. He’s not important.

You’re going to the West Heart clubhouse. The country club that’s so swanky it’s in the title of this book. Kill. It’s not that kind of kill. Or maybe it is, after all.

You arrive, it’s the Fourth of July weekend and look – there’s cocktails on the lawn. What’s your poison?

Don’t flick forward. You just have to wait. Especially for the part when you find out what happens on page XX.

Due to the aforementioned break, I’m going to take the opportunity to reread Cloud Atlas in it’s twentieth anniversary year.

A novel of mind-bending imagination and scope from the author of Ghostwritten and Utopia Avenue

Souls cross ages like clouds cross skies . . .

Six interlocking lives – one amazing adventure. In a narrative that circles the globe and reaches from the 19th century to a post-apocalyptic future, Cloud Atlas erases the boundaries of time, genre and language to offer an enthralling vision of humanity’s will to power, and where it will lead us.

And that’s my week in books! What are you reading this week? Let me know in the comments! 😎


  1. I was offered West Heart Kill too. Then heard nothing more about it. I’ve no idea if I’m getting a copy or not 😄.

    Have a wonderful trip! See you back soon. xx

    1. I’m not very far in, and so far I’ve determined that it will be a love it or hate it novel.

      Cloud Atlas is a favourite of mine – quite possibly my favourite book ever. I’m looking forward to revisiting it! 🙂

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